The Challenge & Our Youth Strategy
Every generation has its own struggles. However, it can sometimes be tough for one generation to relate to another. Understanding the anxieties and concerns of young people in current times is a minefield like no other. At CATCH, we work daily with young people and have identified some key challenges that they are facing today.
If we want to encourage positive behaviour at home, school or in the community, it requires us to look beneath the surface. There is always a deeper need driving a young person’s behaviour and when we can effectively understand that need to the best of our ability, we can try to find the most effective support.
Young people are supported
Young people have access to a safe inclusive space
Strong relationships are formed with young people
The challenges young people face are understood
Young people receive the support they need
Young people are engaged
Our space and services are designed by young people
We have mechanisms in place to hear the views of young people
Young people understand their role at CATCH and in the wider community
We place an emphasis on youth social action, volunteering and ownership
Young people are equipped
Young people are educated and well-informed about their choices and futures
Young people develop practical skills and knowledge
Young people understand local, national and global issues
Young people have the mental resilience to succeed
Young people are empowered
Young people play an active role in developing their community
Young people have the flexibility to be creative
Young people have access to networks
Young people serve as role models
Your support is important to us!
CATCH relies on your generous donations to keep the lights on! Our community space provides a much needed hub for the community in particular for vulnerable young people, so they have somewhere safe to go, something to do and someone to talk to 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year.